Friday, November 26, 2010

wait for the seasons to come back to me.

Hey y'all.

My dad just created a blog. fmfffl. He gave himself a cut lil nickname and everything. I guess the love for rambling about nothing runs throughout my family!

Anyways, another piece from my childhood I vaguely remember: My best friends and I getting into a heated discussion about c-sections versus natural birth. I, myself being a C-Section baby, was defensive about my situation to my "natural" friend. This was probably circa grade 7.

And I know "everyone" misses my epic blogs about Lost episodes, so do I. My mother and I stopped watching the 6th season when we couldn't figure which parts were in the future or past.. or weren't really happening but could be happening... you get the point.

I still love Jin-Soo Kwon, and I thought about him as I ate sweet and sour pork today.

Happy friday night to all.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Haven't blogged in a century.

Wow, it has been forever but I am back thanks to inspiration from my friend becca :3

Not much has happened, but on Saturday my friends and I went to the city for Hannah's birthday and happened upon Bruno Mars! it was pretty rad. We got our picture taken with him, and I forced him to shake my hand!

I've started reading a book called Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, and it's good so far. Hard to understand, that's for sure.

Right now I'm watching cake boss and talking to becca, and I've started to notice my itunes playlist still going after exiting the window. How strange. I'm a little concerned, but I'm sure shutting down my computer will release the demon from my dell.

will blog later hopefully.
