Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Big weekend.

This long weekend went by F A S T !!!!!

I failed at my dance recital so badly on sunday night, and i messed up others too. (sorry.)


as I was outside in my un-fahshunable mika PJ top and big red flannel bottoms bringing in the recycling boxes, my elementary school bus came around the corner. I dropped everything I was holding and hauled my fat ass into my house before I could be bombarded with a children's choir of ALLEXANDDDRAAAA!!!!!!!!'s

So here I am, waiting patiently by the window for the kids to disappear, for fear of my life.

& thaaaaat's a rap!

peace out A-town


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Heidi meets Edward Cullen.

Longest effing weekend.

So, It's almost bed time for me, but I am taking time to blog about how I hate the may 24 weekend.

Every year, I gird my loins. Gather my balls. Grab the bull by the horns. Get my hair french braided into next milennium, and for what? A dance recital. FMLLLLLLLLLL.

All year we learn a dance and it all comes down to this one moment on whether your going to screw it all up or not. Pressure? Yes. And then some.

So here I am, writing to you from the comfort of my dining room. Covered in sparkles and 2 tight french braids that form my face into botox the likes of Heidi Montag. Lovefreakingly.

But not everything about this weekend is completely awful, (I'm doing it all again tomorrow night!) Me and my friends are going to go see VAMPIRE WEEKEND, September 7th at the Molson Amphitheatre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For most girls, Justin Bieber would be a leg weakening experience, but not me and my girls. (I mean, my legs can't get any nobblier than when I saw Mika live, but this will be a close third behind Bo Burnham.)

It's still a lifetime a way, but I'm the type of person that if I don't have a specific thing to look forward to, everything is just depressing. I need something to be excited about otherwise what's the point?

Oh and if you see a trail of sparkles, that's just me going to go find Bella.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

My day

It has been a busy day! (kinda)

well the gyst and nub is apres school I went to "fine arts night" at my school where they showcase students' photography, art, music and a play was going on upstairs.


anyways, so I'm wiped and just took an 8 minute bath. (new record?)

and i'm dripping everywhere and I need to go eat something and sleep.


I have dance this weekend, but I will try and update if I can.

peace, bitchez


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Something else I hate

Girls. (quel surprise!) I hate when they're total betches! OR when they are slattts. Like, can you not go whoring around, girls get reputations for that you know. It gives the good ones, Like me, a bad name. Not all teenage girls are skanks!

But anyways, my point is, respect yourself and others will respect you in return. I have no respect for "friends" that flirt with boys they know you like. THAT IS AGAINST THE GIRL CODE.

Let's all just be friends. No need for the excessive fights, the "I think i'm hot shit" attitude, because trust me, no one else thinks you are.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Whipped cream, sewing, music, etc.


I want to take a moment to tell you all I LOVE WHIPPED CREAM!!!!!!!
Like, why on earth does something so bad for you taste like heaven drifted down from above and blessed all our strawberries? I ask you this. I just tried nutriwhip yesterday, you buy it in a carton (it's lactose free) and put it in a bowl and hhhwhip it goooood. And it tastes so sweet and awesome as you've ever imagined it.

Next up is sewing. For history I am doing this project about WWII and I'm making a C.W.A.C uniform for my american girl.

(Dont know how to get a picture of it on here... )

Anyways, I have always loved designing and making my dolls' clothing, (hope I can do this for big girls too?) And I'm feeling the need for design coming up. I want to make a lady gaga esque outfit for her, how neat would that be? (You know for decorations and stuff.............)

Last but not least, MUSSSICCC.

I shall dedicate an entire post to my beloved, Mika. But for now, this image of him shirtless strutting his sexy ass self, should be good enough?

Imaging seeing this.

But live in boxers. Ooh la la, and then some Ra ta ta!

And besides the undying love for everybody's favourite, Lebanese, French, American, British, Pop star, I have a new music crush on kate nash. I have loved her stuff for a long time now, but her new CD seems to be the only songs on my playlist lately. I love her song from made of Bricks called "We get on." I strongly believe she was in my head when she wrote that. And the song "Do wah do" from My best friend is you is simply MAAAHVALOUSSS! Check them out if your into british girl pop indie trashy stuff. It's luvvers.


Monday, May 17, 2010


sassy people grind my gears. and when they are super duper sarcastic.

"LOL eff you :)"

i can just smell the sarcasm in that little smilie face, it's not hiding anything sugar.


Things that make me angry.

Now, I know you're thinking "Cripes, there are a lot of things that make that chick angry!" well... you're right. There is. But lately things just grinds my gears, you know? What kind of things grind your gears?

1. Dropping something repeatedly. (Drop it, pick it up, drop it again, angrily pick it up, drop it yet again, pick it up and squeeze it so it shatters into pieces that you have to pick up.)

2. BOYS. (Like why can't they all be smart like us?)


4. When your parents ask you to do something as soon as they've let you sit down. (Oooh alexandra! = most hated phrase in the world. by me.)

Annnnnnnnnnnd just about everything else.

So I'll leave you with this: What grates your cheese?


Saturday, May 15, 2010


Find me on twitter, bitches!


My first blog!!

Hello world, aka, hannah!

To commemorate my first blog, i am having celebratory strawberry with cool whip for dessert.


Anyways, so today I had pictures for dance, (I do contemporary dancing) and it was super boring.

Then my mom took me to go see Date Night with Steve Carrel and Tina Fey. It was really funny, and made me miss New York City verrrrry much *tear*

I'll tell you a little about myself. My name is Alexandra and I live in Canada, and I love fashion and music. My favourite designer is either Marc Jacobs or Alexander McQueen and my favourite singers are Mika, Freddie Mercury, Kate Nash, or anything Pop/Rock.

More blogs to come!
