Saturday, May 22, 2010

Heidi meets Edward Cullen.

Longest effing weekend.

So, It's almost bed time for me, but I am taking time to blog about how I hate the may 24 weekend.

Every year, I gird my loins. Gather my balls. Grab the bull by the horns. Get my hair french braided into next milennium, and for what? A dance recital. FMLLLLLLLLLL.

All year we learn a dance and it all comes down to this one moment on whether your going to screw it all up or not. Pressure? Yes. And then some.

So here I am, writing to you from the comfort of my dining room. Covered in sparkles and 2 tight french braids that form my face into botox the likes of Heidi Montag. Lovefreakingly.

But not everything about this weekend is completely awful, (I'm doing it all again tomorrow night!) Me and my friends are going to go see VAMPIRE WEEKEND, September 7th at the Molson Amphitheatre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For most girls, Justin Bieber would be a leg weakening experience, but not me and my girls. (I mean, my legs can't get any nobblier than when I saw Mika live, but this will be a close third behind Bo Burnham.)

It's still a lifetime a way, but I'm the type of person that if I don't have a specific thing to look forward to, everything is just depressing. I need something to be excited about otherwise what's the point?

Oh and if you see a trail of sparkles, that's just me going to go find Bella.


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